
Reddit Wisdom: Essential Kids’ Dental Care Tips for 2024 (Straight from Parents)

kids teeth care

Kids Dental Care and Dental Hygiene

There are several child teeth care information for you, as parents, before you start to jump into parenting issue further. When your kids are still baby, you might experience an amazing journey due to kids dental care. There are brushing baby’s teeth and picking the right, and proper meals for them as their chomper starts to grow little by little.

Question: At what age is it recommended for a child to have their initial dental appointment, and what strategies can be employed to ensure a positive and comfortable experience, fostering openness and reducing any apprehension?”

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: What age is appropriate for a child’s initial dental visit, and how can you create a positive and comfortable experience for them? It’s an excellent question. The Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests that a child should have their first dental visit after the eruption of their first tooth. This initial visit serves multiple purposes. It allows the dentist to educate parents, providing anticipatory guidance on appropriate dental care practices for their child and helping them establish good oral health habits before the onset of cavities. Additionally, it enables the child to build a trusting relationship with the dentist and dental team while becoming familiar with routine dental procedures.

Children under the age of 3 or 4 may exhibit fear and nervousness during dental visits, which is a natural response rooted in an instinctive fear of harm. It’s normal for them to cry during the initial visits, although it’s essential to emphasize that nothing done during these visits will cause any harm. For younger children, a brief examination can be conducted in the parent’s lap, accompanied by the application of a fluoride varnish to protect their primary teeth from cavities. As the child becomes more accustomed to the dental environment through repeated visits, these appointments gradually become more enjoyable and less anxiety-inducing.

Question: My ten-month-old child has recently sprouted two teeth. I’m wondering if it’s time to initiate a teeth brushing routine. Should I use toothpaste as well? Your guidance would be appreciated!

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: Commencing early dental care for babies is beneficial for several reasons. It not only fosters bonding between the caregiver and the baby but also establishes a routine that will persist until the child is independent enough to brush on their own, typically around the age of 6 or 7. Additionally, using toothpaste with fluoride is advantageous, as it strengthens the baby teeth and, when absorbed into the bloodstream, fortifies the development of permanent teeth. This heightened resilience makes them more resistant to decay upon eruption.

It’s essential to use fluoridated toothpaste rather than fluoride-free infant toothpaste. Only a minimal amount, equivalent to a rice grain, is recommended, and it is safe for the baby to swallow. This practice poses no harm whatsoever.

Question: What are your thoughts on the alleged correlation between root canals and various diseases, especially in the context of the documentary ‘Root Cause’?

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: Opinions on this topic vary widely. Some argue that the movie was a deliberate falsehood and an act of sabotage orchestrated by holistic dentists and physicians aiming to advance their agenda. It’s worth noting that following objections raised by the dental and scientific communities, Netflix removed the documentary from its platform, deeming it as propagandistic.

Contrary to the claims made in the film, conventional dentistry asserts that root canal materials, such as Gutta Percha made from natural rubber, have demonstrated no correlation with adverse health effects. It is emphasized that, if there were even a shred of credible evidence suggesting otherwise, the dental community would promptly discontinue the practice of root canals.

Dental care 2024 reddit

Question: My 11-year-old son has an extra tooth in his palate, situated next to the front two teeth on the right. I am concerned about the extraction process and recovery.

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: Unfortunately, providing a definitive answer without an X-ray is challenging. Typically, pediatric dentists can handle the removal of such a supernumerary tooth if they are proficient in oral surgery. In cases where they feel less comfortable, a referral to an oral surgeon might be suggested. Regardless of the approach, I recommend opting for sedation during the procedure to enhance the child’s comfort and alleviate anxiety. With an experienced surgeon, the extraction process tends to be quick and relatively straightforward.

Question: My two-year-old daughter recently had her first dentist appointment, and we were anticipating the eruption of her bottom right canine. However, it turns out that the tooth I initially identified as the bottom right lateral incisor is actually the early-erupting canine. The dentist suspects that she may be missing the bottom right lateral incisor, potentially affecting the permanent tooth as well. I’m curious to know if this is a common occurrence and if it might necessitate an implant later in life. Your insights are greatly appreciated!

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: To address your concerns, it’s important to note that baby teeth can be unpredictable, with some being delayed in eruption or, in some cases, not erupting at all. However, the absence of a primary tooth doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem with the corresponding permanent tooth. In my 20 years of experience, I’ve encountered only one instance where a missing primary tooth coincided with the absence of its succedaneous permanent tooth. The likelihood of your daughter not missing a permanent tooth is generally favorable.

In the event that a permanent tooth is missing, early orthodontic intervention can often address the issue by guiding the surrounding teeth into their proper positions. I recommend waiting until your child is closer to 4 years old before obtaining an X-ray, which will provide a clearer picture of the presence or absence of the permanent teeth.


Question: My child, aged 3, had a fall resulting in a discolored front tooth. We consulted a dentist who suggested extraction despite the absence of abscess or pain. In researching alternative solutions online, I found a cost-effective and simple cleaning process.

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: Following this, the child’s tooth has almost returned to its normal color. I’m now contemplating whether I should be upset with the dentist.

It’s common for baby teeth to darken after an injury, and not all of them require extraction. Extraction is typically recommended if there’s an abscess, pain, or swelling in the gums. However, if there’s no fractured root, infection, or abscess, some professionals advise monitoring the tooth periodically without intervention. The darkened tooth will naturally fall out when the adult tooth begins to emerge.

Question: My nephew experienced a molar break approximately a year ago, following which he underwent a root canal and received a cap at the age of 17. Recently, he began experiencing severe pain related to the same tooth. Although the X-ray showed no apparent issues, the dental professionals suggested that bacteria beneath the cap might be causing the problem. In response, they prescribed a course of antibiotics, which initially provided relief.

However, after a brief period, the discomfort returned, albeit to a lesser extent. Consequently, he is currently undergoing a second round of antibiotics and has an upcoming appointment for a thorough examination. The dental team will assess the situation and determine whether to remove the cap and redo the root canal or if persistent bacteria necessitate further antibiotic treatment.

During this process, my nephew noticed a sensation of bubbling around the affected tooth, coinciding with a decrease in pressure. I speculate that the body may have created a pathway for the evacuation of bacteria or other substances.

Given this context, I am curious about the process. Does this mechanism operate similarly to an abscess surfacing near an infected tooth inside the mouth? Additionally, is it conceivable for such drainage to occur into the sinus rather than the oral cavity?

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: Understanding that a well-executed root canal may take time to resolve, and occasional oversights, like missing a tiny canal, can lead to persistent infections, I seek your insights. While an x-ray would be essential for a definitive assessment, I am considering consulting an endodontist to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the root cause and potential solutions.

Question: Is there a link between sparkling water consumption and tooth decay? While my dentist has expressed concerns, I’ve come across studies suggesting otherwise.

Reddit Pediatric Dentist: The potential for tooth decay may be influenced by other cavity-causing factors. On its own, sparkling water may not pose a significant risk, but it does contribute to the acidity in the mouth. The bicarbonate in the water is known for its acidity, and when the mouth’s pH drops below 7, it can initiate the resolution of calcium in the enamel, potentially leading to tooth decay with prolonged and consistent consumption throughout the day. However, occasional consumption is unlikely to have a significant impact on dental health.


Question: In spite of regular brushing and the use of fluoride mouthwash, my seven-year-old son seems prone to developing cavities easily. I am seeking advice on preventive measures and clarification on whether it is necessary to address every cavity or if monitoring certain affected (non-infected) teeth is acceptable. Different dentists have provided varying opinions on this matter.

Dentist: Considering his age, a prescription toothpaste designed for individuals at a high risk of cavities has been suggested. The recommended toothpaste is Colgate Prevident 5000, which can be prescribed by any dentist. Additionally, there is a Colgate Prevident mouth rinse for cavity prevention. To mitigate cavity risks, it is advised to use Prevident 5000 toothpaste twice daily without rinsing it out with water; simply spit it out. Before bedtime, have your son rinse with the Prevident mouth rinse, spit it out, and avoid eating or drinking afterward. Chewing sugar-free Xylitol gum for five minutes twice a day is also recommended, as scientific studies indicate that Xylitol gum reduces bacteria associated with tooth decay.

Regarding cavity treatment, it is challenging to determine without X-rays which cavities require intervention and which can be monitored. Active areas of decay may spread and affect other teeth, making it imperative to address them. Once the decay is treated, following the recommended routine should help subside the cavity issue.

In the ever-evolving landscape of parenting, ensuring your child’s dental health remains a top priority. As we step into 2024, it’s crucial for parents to stay informed about the latest advancements and practices in pediatric dentistry. This guide aims to provide essential insights into what parents must know about kids’ dental care and dental hygiene.

Early Start, Long-lasting Smiles:
Begin dental care early to set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. By introducing your child to regular dental check-ups from a young age, you not only promote good oral health but also instill positive habits that will last into adulthood.When your kids turn to be children in around 3 up to 5 years old, you may notice that your kids need to do it by themselves. Teaching them about kids dental care is important, especially when you can show to them since the very first time at an early point. Here are several child teeth care information for parents to perform dental care and dental hygiene for the kids.

Modern Techniques for 2024:
Stay updated on the latest dental care techniques. In 2024, advancements in pediatric dentistry include innovative technologies for painless treatments, digital diagnostics, and personalized preventive care plans tailored to each child’s unique needs.

Nutritional Impact on Dental Health:
Understand the connection between nutrition and oral health. In the coming year, focus on providing a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients for strong teeth and gums. Limit sugary snacks and encourage the consumption of tooth-friendly foods.

Importance of Regular Check-ups:
Regular dental check-ups are the cornerstone of preventive care. In 2024, prioritize routine visits to your child’s dentist for comprehensive examinations, cleanings, and early detection of any potential issues.

Establish Consistent Dental Hygiene Practices:
Teach and reinforce proper dental hygiene practices at home. Emphasize the importance of regular brushing, flossing, and the use of mouthwash. Make these activities enjoyable by choosing kid-friendly oral care products.

Addressing Dental Anxiety:

Acknowledge and address dental anxiety early on. As of 2024, pediatric dentists employ child-friendly approaches, such as sedation options, interactive technologies, and calming environments, to ensure a positive dental experience for your child.

The Role of Orthodontics:

Understand the role of orthodontics in your child’s dental journey. Stay informed about the latest developments in orthodontic treatments, including clear aligners and other less invasive options, to make informed decisions about your child’s orthodontic care.

Limit any sugar rush for your kids as kids dental care:

Kids love sugar, and it is not deniable. Yet, too much sugar is bad for their gums development. Don’t throw excessive candy, pies, and cookies for them on a daily basis. You can start to convince them of getting some of the sugar rushes as an appreciation, not regular consumption. When they do something good, you can give them a candy reward. Dairy products are also not good enough for them. Instead of giving them chocolate or vanilla flavor, teach them with drinking low sugar milk. If they can limit some sort of sugar rush and dairy thing like this, they will do this easily in the future.

Knocked out tooth issue is important as kids dental care:

The next child teeth care information is the teeth. Sometimes, you may notice that your kids experience a knocked out tooth. Don’t worry. The things you can do to overcome something like this are applying direct pressure to the gum using a clean and warm washcloth. Then, you may ask him to bite it gently. Don’t throw the missing tooth, but you have to save it and bring it to your dentist.

Kids are learning by seeing. So, the key to success in teaching them about dental care is a role model. When you wake up in the morning, you have to show them this term by brushing your teeth and flossing. Hence, they may be interested in doing the same thing. It is the same with going to a dentist. You lead, and they will follow. As we know that dental care is very important for children’s teeth in the future, you must concern that persistence and consistency are needed here.


Reddit to the Rescue! Your Ultimate Guide to Top-Notch Kids’ Dental Hygiene in 2024.As we navigate the dental care landscape in 2024, parents play a crucial role in promoting and maintaining their children’s oral health. By staying informed, embracing modern techniques, and fostering positive dental habits, you empower your child with the gift of a healthy and beautiful smile that will last a lifetime.


Source: Search engines , Reddit, NIH & Intelligent Tools

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