
Easy and Fun Toddler Activities at Home Every Parent Should Try

toddler home activities

Fun Toddler Activities at Home

Toddlers seem to have unlimited energy packed into their small bodies. They love keeping themselves busy all the time that you hardly see them not doing anything. For parents who want their kids to have a great childhood can always try different toddler activities at home to ensure that they will learn and have fun at the same time.


These different activities for toddlers are perfect to do independently or during play dates. While doing these activities, it is best to let them spend some time outdoors for awhile since toddlers are known for their short attention spans, and they usually want to go back to the activity every now and then. If your toddler doesn’t show much interest, don’t worry because you can still save them until you child gets older.

  • Teach your toddler his or her name with the use of an easy activity of tape-resist name art.
  • Grab some cookie cutters and a small tray of paint then invite your child to stamp on paper.
  • Toddlers always love to pour. You can prepare a pouring station which could also be a fun outdoor activity.
  • Whip some amount of flour paint and other ingredients that you already have in your kitchen.
  • Your refrigerator can make a wonderful magnetic board. You can make your very own pom pom magnet which can be stuck on your fridge, removed then stuck on over and over again.
  • If your toddler doesn’t like to get any paint on his or her hands, there are also no touch art activities you can try.
  • Place some sticky paper on the window then add pieces of tissue paper.
  • Fill in the water tub with some warm soapy water. You can even fill it with rubber ducks to make it even more fun.
  • If you know someone who sews, you can ask for a few empty thread pools. Stamping using these pools is among the most fun toddler activities at home you can try.
  • Also a great tub idea is cleaning rocks using warm water and shaving cream.
  • Toddlers always love to help in the kitchen. Why not teach some simple counting as you prepare vegetable soup?



  • Young toddlers love to play with tugging boxes which is a wonderful way to use empty boxes sitting unused in your garage.
  • If there are some leftover bubble wrap from a package, why not create a bubble wrap runway? Your little kids will definitely love running and jumping on it!
  • Draw some colored shapes on big paper pieces taped on your floor. Teach shape recognition by playing a simple shape game.
  • Paint using small nubby balls to add some extra texture.
  • If your little child loves cars, you can play a car parking lot numbers game. You just need a few cars and a shallow box to have some fun.
  • You can make a necklace by threading macaroni.
  • Grab some paper tube and encourage your toddler to stamp perfect circles on blank paper.

These are some of the fun and easy toddler activities at home that you can try with your kids!

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