“Are you a new mom struggling with your baby’s teething? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In 2023, the newest and most effective ways to soothe your little one’s teething pain have been revealed. From using a chilled teething ring to providing a clean washcloth for them to chew on, these tips will make your life so much easier. Plus, learn how to spot the signs of teething and when to use pain relievers. Don’t let teething ruin your motherhood journey, get the ultimate guide on baby teething advice for new mothers now!”
Teething can be a difficult and challenging time for both babies and their parents. As a new mother, it’s important to have a good understanding of the teething process and the best ways to help soothe and comfort your baby during this time.
- Know the signs: The most common signs of teething include drooling, swollen gums, biting, and fussiness. Knowing these signs can help you to anticipate when your baby is likely to be in pain and take steps to provide relief.
- Use a teething ring: Teething rings can be a great way to provide relief for your baby’s gums. Look for one that can be chilled in the refrigerator, as the coolness can be especially soothing.
- Give your baby something to chew on: Soft, rubber toys, or a clean washcloth can also be helpful for your baby to chew on.
- Use a gentle pain reliever: If your baby is in a lot of pain, you can use a children’s pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Always consult with your pediatrician before giving any medication to your baby.
- Keep your baby’s mouth clean: Make sure you’re cleaning your baby’s gums and new teeth with a soft, damp cloth to help keep the area clean and prevent any infection.
- Seek Professional Help: If your baby is showing signs of prolonged fussiness, lack of appetite or sleep, it’s best to seek professional help from a pediatrician.
The timing of teething is an important, but not the only, issue that parents should be concerned about. If the pregnancy of the mother was not very successful, the baby’s process of mineralization of tissues could be disrupted. And then the tooth enamel will become fragile and tooth decay is not ruled out. In order to notice the problem in time, every new tooth should be shown to the doctor. Having found out the malfunction, – white or yellowish friable spots – he will take action.While the crumb does not turn 3,5 years old, his aching teeth are treated with minimally invasive (sparing) methods. After all, the kid is not yet able to fulfill the doctor’s requirements: for a long time remain still and keep his mouth open. Affected areas treated with ozone or silver, for a while they will put a “baby” seal. And only if the destruction has reached catastrophic proportions, they will change tactics and conduct therapy under general anesthesia.
Prophylaxis of caries
The risk of caries can be reduced by following the rules. It is important to ensure that the child does not have streptococcus in his mouth. Sometimes it passes from parents who are in the habit of licking bottle nipples or pacifiers that have fallen to the floor, trying to clear them of microbes. Do not eat up the child’s food from a child’s plate with a child’s spoon. Taking care of teeth crumbs, adults do not need to forget about the sanitation of their own mouth. Rational nutrition and vitamins also reduce the risk of caries, as well as the timely introduction of solid foods. The incised teeth should work, so Mom should not be too careful to grind dishes. With the appearance of four teeth, one should often offer the baby something to bite off, a crumb of baby biscuits, for example. Wrong nasal breathing is another cause for concern. When the mouth is constantly open,
If the bite is formed with a defect that is not corrected, the permanent one will have the same drawbacks – one jaw protrudes forward, the second is recessed into the depth. As a result, children’s teeth can not close, which is why the process of chewing food is broken, and the baby is forced to swallow large pieces or, on the contrary, to grind foods to a liquid state. Both of these options can cause gastrointestinal diseases.
But since up to 5 ~ 6 years, the jaws in children are growing very actively, then the problem can be solved with the help of preorthodontics devices. For children under 4 years old, vestibular plates from hypoallergenic silicone are suitable, which, moreover, also relieve harmful habits of sucking a nipple, a finger or keeping the mouth open. Kids older are shown to trainers – devices that change the configuration of the jaw arches. Time brackets – even more complex designs – comes closer to 9 years. But if the orthodontist sees that the malocclusion is progressing, he, carefully prepared, is at risk.
At birth, the baby’s lower jaw is pushed back. If the baby in the process of growth will normally suck breast, then the muscles that control the jaw, “make” it to stand in place. After all, you can get milk only by stretching your lips forward, and with them, and jaws. The defect can not be corrected if the crumb is taken from the breast early and fed through the nipple with a too large aperture, from which the food instantly moves to the stomach, which causes the meal time to be shortened. A dentist who has noticed the problem on time will find a way to solve it.
If the baby’s milk teeth are not lined up in an impeccable rank, then the permanent ones will get even worse. They are usually larger and require more space, displacing neighbors. When a new tooth takes the place of the previous two, the only thing left to do is to develop unsuitable territories in front or behind the dental arch. Missing the moment, parents doom the baby to a long correction, which does not always give a result. A tooth injury due to a fall or stroke can also break a Hollywood smile. There are several options: a fragment of the tooth breaks away, the milk can be knocked out or pounded. The latter case is most dangerous: the tooth “plunges” into the gums deeper than necessary, and can damage the rudiments of a permanent. In case of such injuries, contact the trauma center – after the X-ray the doctor will understand what to do.
What is a bridle?
This musculocutaneous fold is under the lips (upper and lower) and tongue. The latter affects the pronunciation of sounds. If it is shorter than necessary, the baby will not be able to correctly pronounce some of them. Bridles on the lips participate in the formation of the bite: powerful and wide, lying between the upper or lower incisors, prevent the teeth from closing. And in addition, they delay the gum and can cause the denudation of the roots of the teeth in the future. If the situation develops this way, the dentist will send the baby to the excision of the bridle. The operation is performed using a laser, preliminarily anesthetizing the place of manipulation. A similar procedure may be needed when installing brackets.
How to clean children’s teeth ?
This skill children master up to 7 years. And before that, parents should control the procedure.
Its effectiveness depends on the choice of brush and paste. The first requirement is that they must correspond to age. Brushes differ in size and bristles – the softer it is, the better. Silicone is suitable only for infants, it replaces the gauze, fixed on the mother’s finger, which after feeding wipes the gums or the first tooth. Electric brush is better to use from 5 years: it cleans hard and is capable of injuring enamel. But if the treatment is to be done, the device helps to prepare the baby for the encounter with the drill, which also turns and makes noise. On the packaging of the paste is marked – from 0 to 3, from 3 to 5. Baby pastes do not contain preservatives, they have a minimum of fluoride and calcium. Others are not good, because they contain hazardous chemicals, which the baby can swallow.
The dental floss is given to the child after 4 years, when densely standing teeth are slightly moved apart and spaces are formed between them, where food is clogged. The thread should be introduced by the parents, the fine motor skills of the crumbs are still imperfect, and it can damage the gum. For rinsing simple water or herbal infusions will do. Ready-made elixirs are not suitable, they contain many dangerous chemicals. The benefits of chewing gum should also not be forgotten: within 5 to 10 minutes after eating, they are necessary, as they provoke more salivation, creating good conditions for washing the teeth. If the baby chewing gum has a fill-out, do not worry. This means that she has served her age and needs to be replaced. True, the seals of good material do not age, they are enough to change teeth.
When the baby turns 12 months old, his children’s teeth should be shown to the doctor every six months – if there are no problems, and every 3 months if they are available. If you do not pay attention and do not treat tooth decay, then, first, the affected tooth will collapse, and it will be removed. On the vacant place put conservator, otherwise an incorrect bite will form. And secondly, the infection can spread to the rudiments of permanent teeth. And everything will start again. The first permanent teeth are distant molars, which erupt in 4-5 years and are not dairy. They are necessary for a thorough chewing of food and the formation of the temporomandibular joint. They need to be cleaned especially carefully and more often to the dentist. He will determine the likelihood of caries and recommend the correct scheme of care and prevention.
How many teeth do you already have?” Two? Just! And we already have four “- only you hear such statements in the polyclinic during the infants’ day. Mummies boast about the number of teeth their children have and are worried if the mouth is toothless.
Most often, the first teeth erupt at the age of three to nine months. Run time, as you can see, is great. By the way, some dentists believe that the norm is three months-one year. If there is a bookmark of teeth, they will certainly cut through. Experiencing because of their absence is not worth it.
Feedback from Mums
– Yulya Kamaleeva
The very first usually at the age of six months appear lower middle (central) incisors.
In the eight to ten months, the upper median incisors are cut.
In ten months, the teeth are “pierced” from below – the lower lateral incisors. Sometimes, at about the same time, the upper lateral incisors appear.
After a short break in a year or a little later (up to sixteen months), the first large molars of the milk bite come.
At sixteen to nineteen months, fangs erupt, and closer to two years – second molar molars, they occupy the fourth and fifth places in the milk bite.
-Zemfira Lutfullin
It is very important to teach the baby to clean the teeth from the moment they appear. At first this will be done by my mother.
To care for the first teeth, you can use special soft silicone brushes that are put on the mother’s finger. If there is not such a brush, you can simply wrap a finger with gauze and “walk” through the teeth.
By two years, be sure to buy a brush, which the baby will clean the teeth himself. Although at this age children will still need the help of adults. Show the baby how to clean the teeth, ask to keep his brush on his own, and, holding it by the wrist or wrist, direct his actions.
First you need to close the upper and lower teeth, and in small circular motions move the brush from the distant teeth to the front teeth: left, right, bottom, top.
Then the mouth will need to open and clean the chewing surface of the teeth. Next – the most difficult stage for children – cleaning the inner surface of the teeth. Movement should be: from the gum – to the top of the tooth.
Then the mouth needs to be rinsed. It is better for a small child to have a special glass for this purpose and pour boiled water there. Children swallow water by accident or just drink.
It is very important to show the kids an example. Let them look when you brush your teeth. Tell me why it is necessary to do this and why it is so important to take care of your teeth from the very childhood.
Baby Teeth: Frequently Asked Questions
How late can baby teeth come in?
3-7 months old
Is it possible for a 2 month old to be teething?
In rare case
What age do children’s molars come in?
6-7 years old
How long does it take for a tooth to come in?
1-15 days normally
What can I give my baby for teething pain?
Teether, hard food, spoon, rubbing gums with clean finger and giving cold things like icecream.
How do you breastfeed a teething baby?
Just like small baby without milk teeth
Is it normal for a 2 month old to drool a lot?
Yes drool a lot is normal.
What are the first signs of teething?
Swollen, bulging gums.
Rubbing her face
A tooth visible below the gum.
Trouble sleeping.
Trying to bite, chew, and suck on everything.
Rejecting food.
What age do kids get teeth?
Tooth Eruption Chart | ||
Upper Teeth | Tooth Emerges | Tooth Falls Out |
Central Incisors | 6-10 months of age | 7-8 years of age |
Lateral Incisors | 8-12 months of age | 8-9 years of age |
Canines | 16-20 months of age | 11-12 years of age |
First Molars | 11-18 months of age | 9-11 years of age |
Second Molars | 20-30 months of age | 9-12 years of age |
Tooth Eruption Chart | ||
Lower Teeth | Tooth Emerges | Tooth Falls Out |
Central Incisors | 5-8 months of age | 6-7 years of age |
Lateral Incisors | 7-10 months of age | 7-8 years of age |
Canines | 16-20 months of age | 9-11 years of age |
First Molars | 11-18 months of age | 10-12 years of age |
Second Molars | 20-30 months of age | 11-13 years of age |
Is teething painful?
Yes for many babies painful but for many of them just bearable pain.
When should baby’s first tooth appear?
Around 6 months of age
Do teething babies sleep a lot?
Yes its natural
Do babies bite while teething?
Yes they bite alot just because of irritation gum swollen.
Why is my baby drooling so much?
It’s Teething sign
Do babies get diarrhea from teething?
Yes its common.
Do babies get a cough when teething?
Yes its common
How long do symptoms of teething last?
around 2.5 years old
When can I give my baby a teething biscuit?
in between 3-6 months
When can you give a baby a teething ring?
When baby starts drooling and teething signs are clear
What is the use of baby teether?
To reduce irritation and help teeth come out by softening the gums.
It’s important to remember that teething can be a difficult and challenging time for both babies and their parents, but with the right approach and a good understanding of the process, you can help to soothe and comfort your baby during this time.
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