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    5 Proven Tips to Foster an Attitude of Gratitude in Kids

    teaching gratitude to adults

    How to Help Your Kids Develop an Attitude of Gratitude with Understanding Child Psychology Being grateful is a very healthy habits that goes a long way in benefiting you. It helps you to fight off depression, increase well-being and bring about positive emotions in others. [su_highlight]Raising a grateful child[/su_highlight] is what all parents have motto. […]

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    Happy Safer Internet Day Every Day for Every Body! Fight Against Bullying

    solution to kids high school bullying

    Digital Parenting Blog Momy Dady loves to present the Idea of fighting bullying together whether it is bullying and harassment at workplace or at school or in the ground. We can only overcome this big parenting challenge by making ourselves more knowledgeable of this subject matter and hence trained ourselves to face it positively. [su_highlight]Momy […]

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    7 Ways To Say No Without Saying No to Children

    mom saying no to baby

    Parents frequently asked questions about kids discipleship When should you start saying no to a baby? How do I say no without feeling guilty? How do you say no without being rude? How do you handle stubborn kids? How Can I Make My Baby Smart? How do you say no to someone asking for money? […]

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    Parents Influence on Child Personality , 2019 Accomplishments

    Parents influence child

    Is It Right To Call Your Child Your Biggest Accomplishment? What is Best way to celebrate the kids success ? Is it always possible to mold your child the way parents want ? Parents are one of the first and biggest influences behind a child’s success and parents role child development is definitive.They are the […]

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    How Should Parents Have Achievable New Year’s Resolutions?

    Child Development Centers momydady

    6 Achievable Parents New Year’s Resolutions We all make New Year’s Resolutions. Some we are able to achieve, other we drag till the next year and some we forget about. Everyone wants to make changes in the parts of their lives where they feel dissatisfied or unaccomplished. Some want to adopt a healthy diet, others want […]

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    How to Bond With Your Newborn 2020

    when do babies get attached to mom

    Bonding with Baby after Birth: New Dad… Baby Bonding advice.. When did you first really start Reddit ? What are ways babies bond or make attachments ? Have I bonded with my baby ? When do babies get attached to mom and dad ? These are frequently asked queries by new parents. Lets see what […]

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    10 Tips to Make Kids Holidays Peaceful and Full of Fun | MomyDady

    peaceful parent happy kids

    Peaceful parent happy kids In both the U.S. and the U.K., the first Monday after the holidays is called the ‘Divorce Day’, and January is called as the “Divorce Month”. The pressures of making multiple decisions related to finances, travel plans, get-togethers, meal planning, family and sometimes difference in religious, cultural and spiritual practices between […]

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    How to Rid Our Schools of Bullying? Bullying Problems and Solutions

    Bullying problems and solutions for high schools

    How to stop bullying facts   Bullying is an intensive and intractable problem of every nation. Every state that wants to get rid of bullying in schools realizes that it is much serious problem than it looks. And the solution of bullying has rarely been found. The latest trend to stop kids from being bullied […]

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    7 Proven Strategies to Get Kids on Healthy Eating 2020

    children eating

    Strategies to Encourage Healthy Eating in Child Care Improving children eating habit and getting children on essentially nutrition enriched food is the main pain point of parents whether it is for a toddler or for a teenager. Today the world is filled with eating disorders, fad diets, labels and obesity issues. Similarly, there are also […]

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    How to Raise a Child with Good Manners : Parents Guide | Momydady

    good manners for adults

    How to raise a good child Whenever parents are asked about how they want their children to become when they grow up, they always say that they want them to become ‘good’ children. Here the question arises that what exactly is the definition of a ‘good’ person. According to psychologists a good child is the […]

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    3 Ways to Balance Kids Screen Time for Positive Parent Child Relationships.

    how much screen time is healthy for adults

    Kids Screen Time Recommendations In this rapidly growing technological world, electronics have taken over a great part of our time. Most of our time is spent in front of screens. It is estimated that children from age five to eight spend around three hours a day in front of screens. Similarly, parents spend around nine […]

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    4 Ways to Strengthen Father and Teen Relationships

    Fathers day ideas

    Unhealthy Teen Relationship with Dad: The relationship of both the parents with their children reflect the behavior they will exhibit in later life. The adolescence is age of heightened emotions and a will to become independent and make own life’s decisions. Teens want to try out new things that challenge their emotional abilities and endurance […]

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    Why Psychotherapist Prefer Group Therapy Over Individual Therapy in Teenagers

    5 Advantages of group therapy over individual therapy

    5 Advantages of group therapy over individual therapy It is said that individual therapy is a great way to deal with struggling teenagers to help them improve their moods and overcome their fears. But there are some young adults facing social problems who are not able to benefit from individual therapy. This is because the teenagers […]

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    4 Proven Traits of Being a Good Sports Parent

    great sports parent

    Sports Parent The involvement of parents in the interests of their children means the world to them. When children have the assurance that their parents are always right behind them to support them and cheer for them, they not only perform well but also want to accomplish more and more in life. Same goes for […]

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    5 Most Common Parenting Mistakes Even Good Mom & Dad Make | MomyDady

    parenting mistakes

    5 Most Common Parenting Mistakes: Parenting is never easy and never comes with instruction manual. These words are hardly ever used in the same sentence. Similarly there is no definition of a perfect parent or a perfect child. Despite of this, the parent child relationship is a journey full of thankful moments, fun and unlimited […]

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    Kids Dental Care: When and How You Start To Do It | MomyDady

    kidzcare pediatrics

    kidzcare pediatrics One of the most adventurous things to be a parent is observing kid’s dental experience. Once your baby starts to grow, his or her toothless grin will disappear. New little teeth will come, and she or he will definitely experience a new way of eating. As a good start, you may want to […]

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    Advice for New Dads about Child Sleep | FAQs after New Dad No Sleep

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    What time does a 2 year old go to bed? As per medical research children aged from 1.5 to 3 years need at least one time sleep a day.Nap time can range from 1 to 3.5 hours long. Toddlers typically go to bed between 19:00 and 21:00 and usually wake up between 6:00 to 8:00 […]

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    Easy and Fun Toddler Activities at Home Every Parent Should Try

    toddler home activities

    Fun Toddler Activities at Home Toddlers seem to have unlimited energy packed into their small bodies. They love keeping themselves busy all the time that you hardly see them not doing anything. For parents who want their kids to have a great childhood can always try different toddler activities at home to ensure that they […]

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    6 Untold Advices for First Time Mom | MomyDady

    First Time Mom advises

    First time mom advice: It’s very hard being a first time mom. You will enter a life-changing stage without knowing your life is actually changing. You have to prepare yourself to accept those changes. You have to sacrifices and do a lot of care and hard work for the sake of your first baby. If […]

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    Newborn Baby and Mother Care 1st month, Tips for New Moms with Newborn | MomyDady

    Newborn baby and mother care: It’s very tough situation when woman becomes a mother and tougher situation if it’s her first time. She doesn’t know much about what to do because she hasn’t any experience. She has to do a lot of sacrifices, a lot of hard work and other things to take care of […]